[row][col-sm-8]products[/col-sm-8][col-sm-4]Click on the “Products” link in your control bar.[/col-sm-4][/row]

[row][col-sm-8]product-list[/col-sm-8][col-sm-4]You will see a list of your products.[/col-sm-4][/row]

[row][col-sm-8]edit-product[/col-sm-8][col-sm-4]Click on a product name to edit the product.[/col-sm-4][/row]

[row][col-sm-8]edit-product-single[/col-sm-8][col-sm-4]You can now edit your product.

  1. Your product name.
  2. Description for your product.
  3. Pricing for your product, you can add a sales price and it is optional to schedule it for duration of time.
  4. Set the categories for your products. You can add “Product Tags” for the colors / size / etc attributes for your product to help your users to find them easier.
  5. Upload image for your product.
  6. Click on “Update”or “Publish”to save this product.


[row][col-sm-8] add-new[/col-sm-8][col-sm-4]To add new product, click “Add New Products” in the top control bar.[/col-sm-4][/row]

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