We are launching the new website for MalaccaGospelHall.org.my from Melaka. We revamp the previous design with a fresh new look and pack it up with more user friendly features.


The Visual Design

We compose the website with natural brown color, the color of earth to convey the sense of nature, human and living. The design include nature images to bring peace of mind and harmony feeling of the website visitors.

The brown color scheme in MalaccaGospelHall.org.my
The brown color scheme in MalaccaGospelHall.org.my


The website is filled up the brown color theme, the color of earth.


Nature images are used in between content to bring the sense of harmony and soothing



The Typography

Dark and heavy font is used for the title in the website to bring out the sense of authority and stabilize the overall layout.

Dark and heavy title to convey authority
Text and button in the same color theme to maintain visual stability.


The Landing Page

The main purpose we create landing page for Malacca Gospel Hall (Chinese Department) website is to deliver a clear message and give the visitors enough relevant information to engage with the content of Malacca Gospel Hall (Chinese Department) website.

malacca gospel hall landing page
Malacca Gospel Hall Landing Page


The User Friendly Features

Malacca Gospel Hall has regular articles update. To make it convenient for the church members to go through and read the articles, we categorized the articles and included a search function to save up their time.

Search function & article categories included on the left will help users to navigate through the article they are looking for.
Search function & article categories included on the left will help users to navigate through the article they are looking for.


Mobile Friendly

To ensure the experience when browsing the website on smart phone and tablet, we make this website mobile responsive. The layout and text size are just nice to read on smart phone and tablet.


View on mobile phone.



Content Management System

We have worked out a content management system based on the needs of this website. As the church is publishing regularly, we include a convenient content management system for the church administrator to login into the website to add new articles.


Content Management System - Managing articles
Content Management System – Managing articles


Content Management System - Editing article
Content Management System – Editing article


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