Well, we are going to introduce one of our beloved clientee, Ubat Tradisional Sunjin Sdn Bhd, we are appreciate their support our services in this few years. Ubat Tradisional Sunjin Sdn Bhd is selling two kinds of products which are Pile Enemy & VG Cleanse. We are happy to design their product images and website as the screenshot bellow.


1-pile-enemyPile’s Enemy is newly discovered solution made from natural ingredients can help solve your piles problem. It is prepared and extracted from ten valuable Chinese medical herbs. By incorporating modern technology and improved production process, we have transformed the herbs into easy to use liquid form for external use, i.e. to cleanse the affected area.

It effectively reduces the pains, itchiness, swelling, bleeding and other effects caused by piles. Continue usage will eventually clear the piles and treat the problem.



In the other hand, VG Cleanse is a liquid form product made from traditional herbs.2-vg-cleanse

The odor of VG Cleanse is similar to that of the normal traditional herbs that have gone through the boiling process, i.e. smells like roots and mixture of dried fruits and flowers.

VG Cleanse is traditional product and it is effectively absorb through the mucous membrane with anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-virus, anti-itching properties. It reduces pain and stop leucorrhea. It’s very good in repairing mucosal damage, especially through the pharmacology of the blood circulation, improve local circulation and enhance metabolism.


They need a website with flash animation which can bring out their product function for the audience. Thus, Passion In Design have done both product animation for them at www.sunjin.biz.

Ubat Traditional Sunjin Sdn Bhd Home Page Design
Ubat Traditional Sunjin Sdn Bhd Home Page Design

Besides, they need the website in English & Chinese languages.

Ubat Traditional Sunjin Sdn Bhd English Website
Ubat Traditional Sunjin Sdn Bhd English Website
Ubat Traditional Sunjin Sdn Bhd Chinese Website
Ubat Traditional Sunjin Sdn Bhd Chinese Website

Ubat Traditional Sunjin Sdn Bhd Roll-Up Banner / Bunting Design

Roll Up Banner Design
Roll Up Banner Design

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