Product Photography Survival Tips, For Individual Online Seller

The first and foremost approach to introduce your products on the Internet is using photos. If there are a few items you want to sell and you do not feel like hiring an photographer, you can do it on yourself at home. A sophisticating high end camera is not necessarily, you smart phone should be...


Floating Classic by Renaud Marion

“Floating Classic” 悬浮经典系列是法国摄影师 Renaud Marion 的作品,结合未来悬浮概念和过往经典车型拍摄的一组想象中的风景。包括有大红 Jaguar E-Type,太空银 Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing Coupé,薄荷绿 Mercedes-Benz 190SL等神一般的车,悠然悬浮在现代的建筑前,恍如隔世。 Floating Classic Floating Classic Floating Classic Floating Classic Floating Classic Floating...


Malaysia Purple Sakura 大马紫樱花

2014春天都结束了,路旁的紫樱花才迫不及待的绽放姿彩,与春天之约已经晚到了三个月。 Malaysia Purple Sakura 原来她真正的名字是“風鈴木”。 Malaysia Purple Sakura 學名: Tabebuia sp. 英名/科名: 紫葳科 (Bignoniaceae Trumpet) 產地: 熱帶南美洲,委瑞內拉 (Tropical America) Malaysia Purple Sakura 总是认为世界上最好的东西都是免费的,就像今天可欣赏到那么美丽灿烂紫色的风铃木,还以为现在是春天呢! Malaysia Purple Sakura I need...